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Damp and Timber Surveys


First things first – it is unlikely that you need a full damp and timber survey unless this has been insisted upon pre-purchase by your lending institution. If you are having problems with moisture or timber decay, a Consultation is likely to be more appropriate (and cost-effective).


This is because a full damp and timber survey is nearly as comprehensive as one of my building surveys and is therefore likely to be expensive. Please see below examples of a full damp survey and a single area inspection and write-up that was undertaken as a consultation.








My investigations aim to get to the bottom of what is causing the moisture problem and the most efficient way of addressing this depending on the client's end requirements.


The solution is never in the form of any kind of retrofit damp proof courses e.g. chemical injection damp proof courses, Dry Rods, Knappen/Schrijver/Holland tubes, electro-osmotic wires, magnetic balls, paint on tanking solutions, cementitious renders/plasters, or whatever this week’s miracle cure advertised in the back of the Daily Mail is.


An electronic resistance meter, commonly incorrectly referred to as a ‘damp meter’ should never be used to evidence that something is damp. These instruments are calibrated to work on freshly felled timber only. These meters are commonly but incorrectly used by 'specialist damp proofing' contractors to 'diagnose' 'rising damp' on a 'free' damp survey, or a paid-for survey that is refunded if you use the company to 'treat' the problems. 


Don’t end up like these poor homeowners who have had their lovely Victorian bricks permanently scared. There are 96 drill holes under the window in the third photograph. 





























Insect flight holes and some minor timber decay are present in most of the old houses I inspect. In nearly every case, nothing more is required than improving heating and ventilation. Only in the most exceptional circumstances is any form of chemical treatment needed, and this should be localised paint-on treatment only. Fumigation-type treatments pump lots of chemicals into your home for the purpose of issuing you or your mortgage lender with a certificate. Please at least speak to me to see if I can help you before you go spending your money on this.


In a lot of situations, load-bearing timbers can be repaired/sistered/strengthened/the load can be partially transferred. It is very rare that full timbers have to come out and be replaced. I work with structural engineers who can provide calculations for this type of work if it is needed. 

Damp and Timber

Simon Hollis Chartered Surveyors is a trading style of Simon Hollis Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 07616376. If you would like to verify this, you can find my company details on the Companies House website here.


Simon Hollis Chartered Surveyors is regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). My membership number is 1222795. If you would like to verify this, you can find my company details on the RICS website here.

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