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  • Writer's pictureSimon Hollis

Sheffield Heritage Fair

An exciting and productive weekend was spent at this year's Sheffield Heritage Fair at the Millenium Galleries. Thanks to Ron and David at Hallamshire Historic Buildings for organising another great event and Brian for organising the table.

Saturday was spent visiting the stalls and catching up with friends and acquaintances. Good to see the results of the Sheffield public artwork recording project I worked on with Wessex Archaeology last year.

Sunday was spent helping to man the SPAB (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) and The Sheffield Historic Buildings Trust stall with the rest of the group – where did five and a half hours go?? We all met lots of interesting people, lots of details were taken for the mailing list and we look forward to welcoming some new people to the groups to talk about and most importantly progress works on more of Sheffield's historic buildings.

If you would like to keep up to date with the projects we are working on, head over to the Trusts Instagram page - @sheffield_hbt or send me a message.

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